For those of you who follow astrology, you know that we’re in the middle of a brutal cosmic happening—Mercury went retrograde on October 21st, and the sun went into Scorpio on October 22nd. For those of you who aren’t familiar, or who don’t obsessively follow Virgo Magic, Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone , Mystic Mamma, or don’t know your way around a natal chart, there are a few things you need to know.

First, it’s worth giving a brief overview of what Mercury in Retrograde can look like in our daily lives. Have you been feeling more sluggish than usual? Have miscommunications, snafus, lost mail, broken technology, internet problems, car troubles, or financial stress been more prevalent in your day to day? Mercury in Retrograde is responsible for breaks in communication, forcing us to reconsider how we usually take care of business. Another aspect to this particular MinR is that emotions are running higher than usual (which you can read more about in the links above, particularly if you read your October forecast by Susan Miller), and this is heightened by the sun moving into Scorpio, a water sign well-known for creativity, emotional depth, and sexuality.

“Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and that shouldn't be taken lightly -- nor should Scorpios! Those born under this sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either; these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within,” says Seth from These Scorpion characteristics set the tone for the energy in the air right now. What can you learn from Scorpio about how attentive you are as a love? What is your deep erotic secret? It’s time to dust off that sexual curiosity and take off the kid gloves.

That’s right, folks. The upside to all of this Mercurian madness? These are dark, sexy times we’re in right now. And, according to Marina at Virgo Magic, we have until late November to amp up the kink and spice volume in the bedroom with a big astrological go-ahead. Take a rope-tying class at your local Center for Sex and Culture. Go to a Halloween-themed play party. Pick up a book on erogenous zones. Show up to dates with a feather and some handcuffs stowed safely in your bag. According to our cosmically savvy friends, there are even specific days that are good for increasing the sensuality of your sex life:

“Mercury trine Neptune on October 3 makes one receptive to undercurrents, the sublime and subliminal. This will happen again for an extended period as Mercury stations direct from November 5 and then all the way until November 17 as Neptune also turns direct. Mercury with Neptune also make a minor grand trine to the goddess of love peaking on November 8. So we have a great many opportunities for tantric sex then during this period. We can take the carnal to another level entirely. You don’t have to be partnered up to do this either, it can be channeled into powerful art or magic too. October 10 Mercury on Alphecca in the crown gives opportunity for some saucy role-playing. But this is a fortunate, artistic and poetic star despite its debauched reputation. Enjoy bohemian indulgences again on October 30 and November 23.”

Ultimately, this Mercury and Scorpio combination is about connectedness with the body, calling upon parts of our sensation-seeking landscapes that we have rarely, if ever, explored. As now is a time of restoration, embodiment, and recalibration, which means it’s a perfect time to explore all of the ways you could be getting off in the most optimum ways possible.

Not a believer in woo? No problem! You can still make use of the information provided here as an excuse to get freaky. As we move into winter, the days are getting shorter and shorter, which means longer dark hours for fulfilling night-long fantasies of new and innovative sexual experiences. You don’t need to be a faithful follower of the websites listed above, or even know what planets are in what houses for you to be able to take full advantage of the rampant sexual energy in the air. If nothing else, you’ll keep your circulation flowing as the air gets colder, and you’ll keep your serotonin levels up as we move into typical seasonal depression. So, go ahead. Chat up that cute barista. Hook up in the library. Experience your first flogging. Explore your inner exhibitionism, or voyeur. Meet an independent escort. The planets smile down on you and yours, and tell you quite simply, to enjoy the pleasures of your body.